Monday, April 4, 2011
Approaching Spring
I did see some posts on Facebook from an old friend I had not heard from in about a year, but since she has made it rather plain she does not want any contact with me I left it alone. It hurts to have lost this person as a friend, and especially so since I do not even know what it was I did to hurt her or make her so angry that she completely closed me out of her life, but I wish her well and I will continue to include her in my prayers.
Most of my projects have been on hold for one reason or another, and a couple only need a few things done to finish them; I just need the energy to get moving and get them done. The lawn side of the driveway is ready for the red lava rock, and I am about ready to form and pour the footings for the retaining wall on the other side of the driveway. I have the flytying desk ready for the final coat of lacquer and hope to finish it this week. Then maybe I can get a couple of flies tied before heading to the Keys next Thursday.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This time of year we have highs in the mid 70s to low 80s and lows in the low-to-mid 60s. It's not too hot during the day, and not really cold at night - Instead of running the a/c I just open the doors to the screened-in front porch and to the patio with the screen room over the pool each morning until about eight-thirty and again in the evening from eight until ten-thirty or eleven (whenever I wind up going to bed).
At the same time, it has been warm enough with that (with the thermal cover and new solar panels) the pool has been warming up to 92 each afternoon so the heatpump doesn't have to run for it either.
The Wahoo (a type of fish) are running offshore, Pompano, Spanish Mackerel and Speckled Seatrout are in the inlets and intercoastal, and in the canals and lakes the Largemouth and Peacock Bass are beginning to bite.
In a couple of weeks I'm headed back down to the Keys for another camping trip; this time two nights :D
I really like this time of year in South Florida!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Projects Progressing on and on
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Finally looking like progress
Monday, February 21, 2011
Starting out - on which foot?
In the first wedding, necessitated by young couple who had let their feelings go too far, and wound up with a child on the way, I have hope. He is from the Bahamas, and she is from Haiti, and they are both trying to learn to “fit in”. They are both very naïve, and love and care for each other, but really do not have any idea of how much their lives have changed, and are about to change. They were both living with relatives, and are now trying to get out on their own – with nothing but their love and a baby coming. They will need a lot of help and prayers and guidance.
But it is the second wedding that causes me the most concern. This returned missionary, only 24 years old, had already been married once, and divorced, and now has a pregnant new bride. I am certain she is in love with him, and I hope this time he is really in love with his new wife. I am concerned that he may have no more respect for this marriage than he had for the marriage to his previous wife. I hope I am wrong, but the impression I get from this couple is that this young woman, only eighteen years old was taken advantage of by an older, more experienced man who has not been upholding his Priesthood. I do not think he has even told his parents that he was getting married.
This is one of many times that I am glad I am not the Bishop, and do not have to be the “Judge in Israel”; being one of his counselors shows me entirely enough of the problems, concerns and issues in our little Ward.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
More Progress on Projects
Second Wall Framed and Wrap installed |
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Second Wall Siding Going on |
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Projects and Progress
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First Wall Framing |
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First Wall Raised |
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Memorial for a friend who has gone on
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Missionary Moments
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Papas con Chorizo |
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Black Bean, Cilantro and Sweet Pea Rice |
Florida late-winter/early-spring weather –
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Salsa Prima Vera
Since we moved to southern Florida I find that I really miss the friends and acquaintances I knew in Alexandria, and some of the people I’ve met since then who, for one reason or another are no longer a part of my life.
I recently prepared a batch of Salsa from a recipe I’ve developed over the years and my thoughts turned to a friend and his family who have moved to Boston. I sent him a message that I’d fixed a batch of the salsa he had liked while they were here in Fort Pierce Ward and that we missed him and his family. He replied that they missed us too, and that I never did send him my recipe for the salsa (which I did right away).
He also wrote that they were enjoying living only fifteen minutes from the Temple, but that they did miss the closeness of our smaller Ward. Here in South Florida we are a bit over an hour-and-a-half from the Orlando Temple, and, when it finally gets built, we will be just about the same distance from the new Fort Lauderdale Temple.
My thoughts then turned to some of the special people for whom I have a particular fondness. Some of them I haven’t heard from since we moved, and others I’ve been able to follow on Facebook, Twitter or through their blogs. I hope their thoughts of me are as fond as my thoughts of them.
looking for better weather
Monday, January 10, 2011
A Season of Illnesses
It has also been a time of reflection, not just the new year, but also my mother’s passing, and my sisters’ lack of respect for the dead. I have had a new calling extended and accepted, in which I would like to be very involved, but also do not want to be giving my cold to anyone else. I have also had plenty of time to consider old friends and past places. There are so many along the way that I miss, some from Alexandria and Crystal City, some now in Potomac Ward, and of course, one from the trip to China.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
To Catch a
Monday, January 3, 2011
Projects, Projects, Projects
The weather is supposed to be nice for the next week-and-a-half, and I really need to get the shed finished. My second biggest project will be to get the boat emptied out and cleaned up so we can get it up for sale. I will need to spend some time, probably only one morning cleaning up and prepping the garden so Jeannine can plant when she gets back next weekend. And, when I have the rototiller going I might as well go ahead and make the trench for the retaining wall alongside the driveway. Then I will be ready to pour some concrete to set the interlocking retaining wall blocks, and move the soil from around the shed slab out to the wall area, and top it with filter fabric and red-rock. That should give me more room to park the Kia and I will be able to move the boat over about a foot-and-a-half. Then I have more room to park the Jeep in the driveway, but I am still thinking about making a red-rock area with stepping stones on the side towards the front door so people will be able walk around the vehicles parked in the driveway without having to walk in the grass.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Missing old friends
I would really have liked to visit some of our other friends while we are in Utah, but with the winter storm we did not get the chance. It would have been especially nice to see Bonnie Taylor, the Austins, the Wards, and the Smiths. My love to all of you, you are dear friends and I miss you.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Aspirations for the New Year
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
In one year I can go to the Temple and do both my Mother and Father's work, have them sealed together and me sealerd to them.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Winter in South Florida
For the next week we have highs in the low-to-mid eights and lows in the upper sixties- while Utah was down to twenty-nine degrees last night and expected to be even colder tonight. I do enjoy the cooling temperatures in winter; I just like them to stay sub-tropical.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sleepless Nights
I bought an air compressor today and a pneumatic nailgun to use on the storage shed/exercise room I am building in the back yard, and I spent a few minutes getting it ready. Putting on the quick-connects for the hose, nailgun and tire inflator. Tomorrow afternoon, if the weather cooperates I should be able to start using it to nail down the siding on the wall that will be adjacent to the screen room. Right now that framing is lying flat on the slab, waiting for decent weather so I can complete it. I had put off getting the compressor and nailgun, trying to decide if it would speed things up enough to justify the expense, but, with Jeannine's urging I bought one. I hope it turns out to be as much a time-saver as we think it should be.
My thoughts these past few days have been a bit melancholy, remembering special people in Alexandria, and in Utah, that I miss. I keep thinking of the trip to China . . . and of the many Church performances that we had in Alexandria – I miss the choirs singing – the Ward I am in now is struggling to come up with enough people to act as a choir for Christmas – it would be nice to get a dozen or more, but last Sunday it looked like they only had six or seven.
I have been following a Blog every couple days, and seem to notice when there are no new posts for several days. I wonder if anyone will every find and follow this one? And, I wonder how my friend in Utah is- haven't heard anything there for several months now . . .
Monday, May 31, 2010
A couple of days in the Keys
We plan to return to the keys again on October 8th, again, just overnight, but this time we should be a bit more prepared. It has still been hot during the days and quite warm at night, I hope by the time we are camping it will have cooled a bit. If not I just might pack along a window AC unit for our tent!
This coming weekend I am again going down to the Keys camping, this time I will be taking the Indian River canoe I bought, and I will be using it to snorkel and fish the famous "Flats" of the Florida Keys. Even if I don"t catch anything it should be a nice experience.
The Weather is supposed to cooperate - highs of 82 and 83 degrees and lows of 75 & 76, this time with sunny skies. hope to have more to post afterward, maybe with photos this time.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday afternoons
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Seasonal Afternoon Thunderstorms
Here, in Southern Florida we frequently have summer afternoon thunderstorms - annoying things that develop in the afternoon from the convection currents of the warm, humid landscape. While they frequently interrupt plans, and occasionally dampen spirits, they do a decent job of watering what passes for lawn (mostly barely controlled weeds and undergrowth).
I was rather dismayed recently when I checked a friend’s blog, only to discover that the only things he had posted were the meaningless, petty things that irritated him and in great detail. With his job, I had thought he would have many insightful and interesting things to post. But, alas, a blog is really only written for the writer, anyone else is just an observer.
However, I did decide that this blog would be more of an introverted view (or perhaps his really is too?)