It's been a while since my last blog post, but really not too much has changed - a few minor health issues (i.e. catching a cold from every little kid that walks past me and the progressively worse back pain that comes from aging). I actually like Indiana Jones' line: "It's not the years Sweetheart, it's the miles". But life still goes on, whether I drag myself out of bed early or late, or even at all.
I did see some posts on Facebook from an old friend I had not heard from in about a year, but since she has made it rather plain she does not want any contact with me I left it alone. It hurts to have lost this person as a friend, and especially so since I do not even know what it was I did to hurt her or make her so angry that she completely closed me out of her life, but I wish her well and I will continue to include her in my prayers.
Most of my projects have been on hold for one reason or another, and a couple only need a few things done to finish them; I just need the energy to get moving and get them done. The lawn side of the driveway is ready for the red lava rock, and I am about ready to form and pour the footings for the retaining wall on the other side of the driveway. I have the flytying desk ready for the final coat of lacquer and hope to finish it this week. Then maybe I can get a couple of flies tied before heading to the Keys next Thursday.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Approaching Spring
Florida Living,