Waikiki Sunset

by Sam Biggs

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Seasonal Afternoon Thunderstorms

Here, in Southern Florida we frequently have summer afternoon thunderstorms - annoying things that develop in the afternoon from the convection currents of the warm, humid landscape. While they frequently interrupt plans, and occasionally dampen spirits, they do a decent job of watering what passes for lawn (mostly barely controlled weeds and undergrowth).

I was rather dismayed recently when I checked a friend’s blog, only to discover that the only things he had posted were the meaningless, petty things that irritated him and in great detail. With his job, I had thought he would have many insightful and interesting things to post. But, alas, a blog is really only written for the writer, anyone else is just an observer.

However, I did decide that this blog would be more of an introverted view (or perhaps his really is too?)