Waikiki Sunset

by Sam Biggs

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sleepless Nights

It s another sleepless night- for some reason it is after midnight and I am up at the computer- I went to bed early enough- about ten-thirty, but gave up and got back up when it became apparent I was not going to be able to sleep, again. I haven’t had this problem for some time, months at least, but tonight, despite waking up before six this morning, I am awake, not necessarily alert, but definitely awake.
I bought an air compressor today and a pneumatic nailgun to use on the storage shed/exercise room I am building in the back yard, and I spent a few minutes getting it ready. Putting on the quick-connects for the hose, nailgun and tire inflator. Tomorrow afternoon, if the weather cooperates I should be able to start using it to nail down the siding on the wall that will be adjacent to the screen room. Right now that framing is lying flat on the slab, waiting for decent weather so I can complete it. I had put off getting the compressor and nailgun, trying to decide if it would speed things up enough to justify the expense, but, with Jeannine's urging I bought one. I hope it turns out to be as much a time-saver as we think it should be.
My thoughts these past few days have been a bit melancholy, remembering special people in Alexandria, and in Utah, that I miss. I keep thinking of the trip to China . . . and of the many Church performances that we had in Alexandria – I miss the choirs singing – the Ward I am in now is struggling to come up with enough people to act as a choir for Christmas – it would be nice to get a dozen or more, but last Sunday it looked like they only had six or seven.
I have been following a Blog every couple days, and seem to notice when there are no new posts for several days. I wonder if anyone will every find and follow this one? And, I wonder how my friend in Utah is- haven't heard anything there for several months now . . .