Enjoying the beautiful Spring weather in South Florida.
This time of year we have highs in the mid 70s to low 80s and lows in the low-to-mid 60s. It's not too hot during the day, and not really cold at night - Instead of running the a/c I just open the doors to the screened-in front porch and to the patio with the screen room over the pool each morning until about eight-thirty and again in the evening from eight until ten-thirty or eleven (whenever I wind up going to bed).
At the same time, it has been warm enough with that (with the thermal cover and new solar panels) the pool has been warming up to 92 each afternoon so the heatpump doesn't have to run for it either.
The Wahoo (a type of fish) are running offshore, Pompano, Spanish Mackerel and Speckled Seatrout are in the inlets and intercoastal, and in the canals and lakes the Largemouth and Peacock Bass are beginning to bite.
In a couple of weeks I'm headed back down to the Keys for another camping trip; this time two nights :D
I really like this time of year in South Florida!!
ch ch ch changes
9 years ago